Christmas bazaar

Our annual Christmas Bazaar kicks off November 3rd - 5th, 2023

Welcome to our annual Christmas Bazaar on November 3rd to 5th! During this time, the Church will be full of Norwegian Christmas goods, nisser, lutefisk, pinnekjøtt and ribbe.

The Christmas Bazaar is the biggest event we have during a year, with almost 2000 people visiting. This is of course an important fundraiser for us, but also a great fun and cozy weekend.

Opening hours:

Friday  11am - 4pm
Saturday  10am - 4pm
Sunday 12pm - 4pm

Many volunteers are involved in the preparation of and during these days. They bake Christmas cakes, knit and sew or take part in other activities. If you want to volunteer during the Christmas Bazaar, send an e-mail to or sign up below.

We look forward to see you!

Sign up as a volunteer today:

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